Temperature sensor


Microdul supplies the MS108X-series of ultra-low-power temperature sensors. For example, the MS1089 has a typical current consumption of 27nA when measuring once per minute, and the typical current between measurements is only 4nA. The sensors are interfaced with I2C or SPI communication and offer a single GPIO handshake mechanism to save additional power and to optimise the timing of the measurement sequence.  The MS1088 features a battery end-of-life monitoring function. The temperature sensors are available in small chip scale packages (CSP) and QFN. The chip scale package can be soldered like a normal SMD component.


  • Wireless sensor tags and cards
  • Wearables
  • Energy harvesting applications
  • Cell phones
  • Environmental monitoring and HVAC
  • Battery management

Feature Overview

Type MS1088 MS1089


Art. 9160379 CSP11
Art. 9160469
Art. 9160372 QFN16
Available on request
Main feature Silicon solid-state ultra-low power temperature sensors with serial interface and handshake function. Silicon solid-state ultra-low power temperature sensors with serial interface and handshake function.
Serial interface I2C & SPI I2C
Handshake interface yes (1 line) yes (1 line)
I2C sub-address 2 bits 2 bits
I2C clock frequency, max. 100kHz 1MHz
I2C pull-up resistors 145kOhm (SDA,SCL) no internal pull-up
Temperature error typ +/-0.3, max +/-0.5°C
(10 to 40°C)
typ +/-0.3, max +/-0.5°C
(0 to 60°C, VDD>=2.2V)
Measurement resolution 0.05°C 0.1 / 0.05 / 0.025°C
Battery end-of-life detection (digital EOL output pin) 2.20 to 2.95V
in steps of 50mV
no EOL
Stand-by current 20nA 4nA
Operating current
during measurement
75uA 70uA
Average current
1 measurement/60s
80nA 27nA (0.1°C resolution)
55nA (0.05°C resolution)
110nA (0.025°C resolution)
Measuring duration
(typical at 25°C)
50ms 24ms (0.1°C resolution)
47ms (0.05°C resolution)
94ms (0.025°C resolution)
Supply voltage range 2.4 to 3.6V 1.8 to 3.6V
Temperature range -40 to 120°C -40 to 85°C
Summary - Link
Datasheet Link Link
Application note Link Link
Product flyer Link Link
Arduino example code Link Link
Eval.-Board Art. 9160373 Art. 9160476



Presentation of the Temperatur-Sensors functions